The clinic is closing for the winter holidays! We will close our doors on December 16, 2024, and return on January 14, 2025. The Immigrant Workers' Centre's Legal Information Clinic provides information on immigration and labour law. The clinic is open Tuesday to Thursday, from 2pm to 6pm. Please note that there are no lawyers at the clinic, so we are not authorized to give you legal advice. If necessary,... Read more →
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Download the flyer: LMIA Restrictions.pdf
This activity report covers the period from May 1, 2022 to April 30, 2023. The activities described below summarize the center's involvement in a wide range of issues and situations facing workers. The number of workers coming to us, and their participation in workshops and campaigns, continues to grow. What's more, worker leadership has become a regular feature of the center, whether in campaign planning or as spokespeople. This success... Read more →
Over recent years, the warehousing sector has experienced significant growth, and the trend was accelerated during the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly thanks to the rise of e-commerce. Faced with this reality, the Groupe interuniversitaire et interdisciplinaire de recherche sur l'emploi, la pauvreté et la protection sociale (GIREPS), the Immigrant Workers Centre (IWC-CTI) and the Temporary Agency Workers Association (TAWA-ATTAP) launched a research project in January 2022 to examine the employment,... Read more →
Brief submitted by CTI-IWC to the Commission des relations avec les citoyens as part of the General Consultation on the consultation workbook entitled: La planification de l'immigration au Québec pour la période 2024-2027 (in French only) Main points of the brief Our brief begins by presenting our own analyses of immigration policies and the realities experienced by migrants and immigrants, as well as our positions on the policies implemented. Our... Read more →
What is regularization? Simply put, regularization is giving papers to people who don't have them. It is obviously not a magical process. Regularization programs come with criteria for including or excluding applicants. The files are therefore processed one by one by the immigration officers as for other types of applications. The goal of these programs is to give an extra chance to... Read more →
This argument for the regularization of people without immigration status was constructed by the Immigrant Workers Centre (IWC) of Montreal in September 2022. The Immigrant Workers' Centre is a popular education and collective advocacy organization for labour and immigration rights for precarious workers. Since 2000, the ILC has supported workers in their struggles for dignity, respect and justice, including campaigns to... Read more →
The Commission on Warehouse Work grew out of the IWC’s organizing on the issue of placement agencies during the last eight years. Te frst group of placement agency workers who met at the Centre were Dollarama warehouse workers. Te meetings focused on basic labour rights. Te Association des travailleurs et travailleuses d’agences de placements (ATTAP) was formed several years... Read more →
We are the Temporary Agency Workers Association’s (ATTAP) women’s committee, a group of immigrant women working in precarious conditions. We have come together to confront a shared problem: psychological harassment and sexual abuse in the workplace. Our committee was founded by the Immigrant Workers Center (IWC) in late 2018 with the mandate collectively addressing shared problems in the workplace that... Read more →
Dialogue, Rapprochement et Action Collective Le Centre des travailleurs et travailleuses immigrants (CTI) a été fondé en 1999 à Montréal et poursuit aujourd’hui son travail dans plusieurs villes du Québec. Le projet des « Cuisines collectives interculturelles » (CCI) émerge d’un long processus de réflexion et d’action qui remonte aux débuts de l’implantation du CTI, section Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean, en 2012. Depuis neuf ans de travail au Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean, les membres du CTI... Read more →
Volume de l’immigration Compte tenu de l’évolution démographique, notamment provenant du vieillissement de la population et de la retraite des baby-boomers prévue dans les années 2020, il y a une nécessité économique de l’augmentation du volume de l’immigration. Plus profondément, en tant que constituante du monde globalisée, le Québec a la responsabilité morale d’assumer dans sa capacité maximale la population quittant leur pays en dépit des difficultés manifestes en vue... Read more →
Know_your_rights_EN Contact the centre and set up information sessions with you and your colleagues or friends. Fill up our membership forms and become a member!
Download: Guide for Temporary Migrant Workers and Case Workers in Quebec The production of this material was financially supported by the Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur (MES) through the Fonds des services aux collectivités program. The production also received support from the Canada Research Chairs Program and funding from Université du Québec à Chicoutimi.
This brief will be presented to the provincial government as part of the consultation process for Bill-59. The French version of the briefing can be found here. The English translation is forthcoming. Mémoire PL 59_CCTP (2021) EN
Recommandations à l’égard du Projet de règlement édictant trois programmes pilotes d’immigration permanente (Décembre 2020)
Recommandations à l’égard du Projet de règlement édictant trois programmes pilotes d’immigration permanente (Décembre 2020)
Decent Housing for Migrant Agricultural Workers (December 2020)
Recommandations à l’égard du Projet de règlement modifiant le Programme de l’expérience québécoise (PEQ) (Juin 2020)
Recommandations à l’égard du Projet de règlement sur les agences de placement de personnel et les agences de recrutement de travailleurs étrangers temporaires (Juin 2019)
Mémoire de l’Association des travailleurs et travailleuses d’agence de placement (ATTAP) sur le Projet de loi 176 sur la révision de la Loi sur les normes du travail (Mai 2018)
Protégeons les travailleurs et travailleuses précaires - Mémoire sur la Loi modifiant la Loi sur les normes du travail et d’autres dispositions législatives afin principalement de faciliter la conciliation famille-travail (Mai 2018)
Fight Back Work Place Justice for Immigrants By Aziz Choudry, Jill Hanley, Steve Jordan, Eric Shragge and Martha Stiegman Paperback $21.00 Displacement of people, migration, immigration and the demand for labour are connected to the fundamental restructuring of capitalism and to the reduction of working class power through legislation to free the market from “state interference.” The consequence is that a large number of immigrant and temporary foreign workers face... Read more →
Paths to union renewal: Canadian experiences By Pradeep Kumar, Christopher Robert Schenk
Immigrant Workers: Learning to Labour in Canada: Rights and Organizing Strategies
Justice for Immigrant Workers! by JILL HANLEY & ERIC SHRAGGE| May 6th 2006