Jun 08

Resolution Demanding the Protection of Human Rights at Dollarama: Press Conference Faced with the Resolution Submitted by the BCGEU to the Dollarama Shareholders’ Annual General Meeting

Montreal, June 8, 2021. – To the Dollarama shareholders’ annual general meeting, scheduled for June 9th, a resolution has been submitted by the British Columbia Government and Service Employees’ Union (BCGEU). The resolution stresses the need to insure the human rights of workers and requests that “Dollarama prepare a report outlining how it assesses and mitigates the human rights risks arising out of its use of third-party staffing agencies for its warehouse and distribution centre staffing needs.”

A day before the vote on the resolution, the Immigrant Workers Centre (IWC) and the Temporary Agency Workers Association (TAWA) hold an online press conference with five spokespersons: Emma Pullman (Capital Stewardship Officer of the BCGEU), Victoria Coon (Internal affairs officer for the Association of McGill University Support Employees) and three former workers of Dollarama, Jean-Pierre Maweja (TAWA), Gabriel Dufour (TAWA) and Gaurav Sharma (IWC).

Resolution Demanding the Protection of Human Rights at Dollarama: Press Conference Faced with the Resolution Submitted by the BCGEU to the Dollarama Shareholders’ Annual General Meeting (pages 3 and 4)

Dollarama and Warehouse Workers

Commission on Warehouse Work in Montreal

      The Commission on Warehouse Work grew out of the IWC’s organizing on the issue of placement agencies during the last eight years. Te frst group of placement agency workers who met at the Centre were Dollarama warehouse workers. Te meetings focused on basic labour rights. Te Association des travailleurs et travailleuses d’agences de placements (ATTAP) was formed several years... Read more →

Pour Montréal « responsable et engagée » : appuyant la Motion à soutenir la régularisation des personnes sans statut légal vivant sur son territoire

Montréal, le 22 février 2021. La Motion visant à soutenir la régularisation des personnes sans statut égal vivant sur son territoire, proposée par Mme Giuliana Fumagalli et appuyée par M. Marvin Rotrand, sera discutée aujourd’hui au Conseil de la Ville de Montréal. Des organisations oeuvrant auprès des personnes à statut précaire ou sans statut, Centre des travailleurs et travailleuses immigrants (CTI), Association des travailleurs et travailleuses temporaires d’agence de placement... Read more →

Placement Agency Organizing at the IWC in 2018-2019

Over the past year, ATTAP has had three main priorities. Here, we will provide an overview of organizing activity which has taken place to advance those priorities.   Over the past year, the Immigrant Workers Centre has continued its efforts to organize workers who are employed via placement agency. The main organizing body that does this work is the Association des travailleuses-eurs temporaires et d’agences de placement (ATTAP), a branch... Read more →