Oct 01

How would a regularization program for undocumented immigrants benefit Quebec?

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What is regularization? Simply put, regularization is giving papers to people who don’t have them. It is obviously not a magical process. Regularization programs come with criteria for including or excluding applicants. The files are therefore processed one by one by the immigration officers as for other types of applications. The goal of these programs is to give an extra chance to people who have had more complex backgrounds. In Quebec, the last regularization program dates back to 2021. It gave permanent residency to people who worked as orderlies during the COVID-19 pandemic. A similar program for construction workers in the City of Toronto took place in 2020. Elsewhere in the world Regularization programs for undocumented migrants are more common than one might think. France, Germany, Spain, the United States and Mexico are just a few examples of countries where programs have regularized thousands of people over the past 15 years. So Canada is not alone in coming to the conclusion that regularizing undocumented migrants benefits everyone!

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