Mar 31

Libro Fight Back: Work Place Justice for Immigrants ahora disponible

Fight Back: Workplace Justice for Immigrants by Aziz Choudry, Jill Hanley et al., published by Fernwood Publishing, 2007

Fight Back
Work Place Justice for Immigrants

By Aziz Choudry, Jill Hanley, Steve Jordan, Eric Shragge and Martha Stiegman

Paperback $21.00

Displacement of people, migration, immigration and the demand for labour are connected to the fundamental restructuring of capitalism and to the reduction of working class power through legislation to free the market from “state interference.” The consequence is that a large number of immigrant and temporary foreign workers face relentless competition and little in the way of protection in the labour market. Globally and in Canada, immigrant workers are not passive in the face of these conditions: they survive and fight back. This book documents their struggles and analyses them within the context of neoliberal globalization and the international and national labour markets. Fight Back grew out of collaboration between a group of university-affiliated researchers who are active in different social movements and community organizations in partnership with the Immigrant Workers Centre in Montreal. The book shares with us the experiences of immigrant workers in a variety of workplaces. It is based on the underlying belief that the best kind of research that tells “how it really is” comes from the lived experience of people themselves.


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Immigrant Workers Fight Back by Dave Koch (Book Review of Fight Back: Workplace Justice for Immigrants), 2009


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